Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Simulation Day

Today was my simulation day. I was able to get a lot accomplishe. In the morning I saw 2 kids, an 8 year old and a 12 year old. The 8 year old was a cute little boy who was very shy and didn't say much at all. I was able to clean his teeth and do a sealant on #14, he did not need x-rays because they were taken 6 months ago. His sister was the 12 year old and she was a very small 12 year old. She needed some bitewings and her mom also wanted me to take a PA of her lower anterior teeth becuase we found a cavity. She was a good girl and I got done with her in no time. In the afternoon I was ale to get 4 quads of a 2 complete. It wasn't too difficult but I got it done. My patient was very interested in everything I was doing and wanted to know all about it. She was very receptive to the OHI I gave her. Overall today was a good day. I am not very fast so I don't know if I could have handled another patient in the afternoon but it was still a great learning experience.

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