Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dental Screening

We learned how to do a dental screening today. We learned how to diagramatically show on the patient's chart what kind of restorations they have had. There is a lot of different restorations so that means there are several different chartings we need to know how to do. I was unfortunate that my lucky pod partner has had no previous cavities, so no fillings to try and find. Well, lucky ME I was able to find my partner's FIRST CAVITY(well suspicious lesion that could possibly be a cavity). Sorry Alyse, but that was pretty exciting for me. I also was able to locate some possible hypomineralizations in a few of her teeth. I was also practicing my exploring some more and I am so excited to say that I felt like I did way better today and I am getting better! So far in this program I have been stressed, overwhelmed, and not sure of myself but I have to say that I love it and I wouldn't change it for the world. Sometimes I think why do we have to be so detailed and picky, but someday when I am practicing I am going to be a dang good hygienist because of the great training I am recieving here.

1 comment:

Alyse said...

amen sista! I wouldn't have it any other way! oh and thanks for finding my suspicious lesion.. better now than later when it's BAD! :)