Monday, October 27, 2008

And More Scaling!

We practiced more scaling today. I don't know why but I have the hardest time keeping the toe third of the instrument adapted to the tooth. I also don't roll soon enough when moving around the tooth. I am getting quite frustrated with myself because I feel like I'm never gonna get it. Prof. Costley was telling us about next semester and how we will see patients and she kind of talked us through the whole process we go through with each patient and the grading. I'm not gonna lie, that really made me nervous hearing her. I am so worried that I will not get the hang of all this and I won't be very good. I realize we are just learning this but I just feel like I am behind everyone else for some reason. I feel like everyone else is getting it and they are like pros already. I know I will eventually get it but I'm just really frustrated right now. Hopefully I will soon feel a little better and won't ber as worried to see real patients. I really enjoy this but I am hard on myself so I think that is not helping

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