Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Found 2 more class 3's

Today I brought in my board patient and I took x-rays and did the OD. It turns out she is a class 3 (which is great for me) and she is a great board patient. Her lower arch has a lot of clicks of calculus and now I have the dilemma choosing which quad to use for the real board and which to use for the 3rd mockboard. Her lower right has 18 clicks of calculus but it also has a third molar. Her lower left has 14 clicks and no third molar. I want there to be enough calculus but not too much, and I am not the best at scaling third molars sometimes so I don't know what to do. She is a great patient though and is so sweet, she laughs a t everything and is so willing to come in whenever I need her to. My afternoon patient turned out to be a class 3!!! YEAH!! I took x-rays, did her OD, and got 2 quads scaled so it was a productive afternoon. I was pleased.

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