Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Last Mockboard!

Today was my last an final mockboard! It went fabulous!! It started off a little scarey because my patient was 10 minuted late. She had made a wrong turn somewhere and was a little lost for a bit. Anyway, when she got here I was so relieved and ready to go. I had a real dilemma on which quad to choose for the mockboard because she is also my real board patient. I finally chose to go with the quad with the third molar and 18 clicks of calculus. I figure if I can pass my mockboard with a quad that has more calculus and one additional tooth, I can pass the real board with less. So I got going and I felt like a did really well. I used all of my ultrasonic inserts, the orange, the slim line and both curved. I turned her back in to the examiners and I felt pretty confident. When I got my results back.... I DIDN'T MISS ANYTHING!!! I was so excited. I missed no calculus! The only thing I missed points on was one spot of recession so I got a 97.5/100. I was elated! I just hope now I can do this on my real board.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Crappy day :(

Today was not my best work. This morning I had another new patient and he was a class 2. I got to take a few more PA's so that was good. I thought I had done a decent job scaling, I was a little rushed for time but I had no idea what was coming next. I missed at least 8 spots!! I could not believe it! I was very ashamed of myself and quite embarassed. Prof Hanson was really good about it and tried to make me feel better and not like a complete failure. This afternoon my patient did not come at 12:30 so at 12:45 I called her to see where she was and she said she thought her appointment was at 2:00 so she hadn't left yet. I told her it was right now and she said she had to find someone to watch her baby and that she would be here in a half an hour.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

productive day

Today I am making up a clinic day. In January I was sick one clinic day so I came today. This morning I saw a new patient. She was a class 2 but I got some bitewings and a few PA's taken and got her all done. I didn't miss any spots so I was very glad. This afternoon I brought in my patient from tuesday (class 3) and I finished her. Professor Hanson gave me some great tips when using the graceys on the buccal of #1,2,and 3. If I use a palm up grasp and put my hand on their cheek I can really get some nice lateral pressure and can really make the storke toward the toe of the instrument. I also did some injections and while doing the IA, I need to be sure to keep the syringe parallel to the occlusal plane at all times. I have a tendency to let the syringe move down as I am injecting. I really liked working with Hanson today.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Found 2 more class 3's

Today I brought in my board patient and I took x-rays and did the OD. It turns out she is a class 3 (which is great for me) and she is a great board patient. Her lower arch has a lot of clicks of calculus and now I have the dilemma choosing which quad to use for the real board and which to use for the 3rd mockboard. Her lower right has 18 clicks of calculus but it also has a third molar. Her lower left has 14 clicks and no third molar. I want there to be enough calculus but not too much, and I am not the best at scaling third molars sometimes so I don't know what to do. She is a great patient though and is so sweet, she laughs a t everything and is so willing to come in whenever I need her to. My afternoon patient turned out to be a class 3!!! YEAH!! I took x-rays, did her OD, and got 2 quads scaled so it was a productive afternoon. I was pleased.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mockboard #2

Today was our second mockboard. I was very nervous that my patient would not show,but as soon as I saw her lovely face in the waiting area, I was so excited. I brought her back and explored around a little bit to feel for calculus and then I checked her in. It is always nerve racking when you are waiting to see if they qualify. They brought her back to me and she qualified!! So I did some injections and started scaling away. I probably should have been done sooner than I was but, I tend to use all the time I have. I had 15 minutes left and still needed to probe and check recession. I hurried and probed and marked recession and explored a little bit more to make sure I didn't leave anything, then I checked her out. This is also nerve racking to see if you missed any spots. Well, they brought her back and I missed one stupid spot!! It was even supragingival!! it was on the distal of #10 staring me right in the face. With one swipe of the scaler I got it off and I was finished. So I ended up passing with a 91.5. I missed one probe depth as well. I did better than the last one so I am happy with my results. Overall, another great experience and I am feeling a little more confident for the real boards!!