Thursday, October 29, 2009

Crazy Day

Today I had two patients scheduled and my 8:00 said she would be here yesterday and guess what, she did not show up!! I was so mad, she was probably a classification I did not need and I made time for her and she did not show. So while I was looking for someone to come in like right now, Mr. Saloman called my afternoon patient and she said she was sick so she didn't want to come in. So all of the sudden I am looking not only for a morning patient but an afternoon patient as well. I was frantically searching, people and I finally found someone for the afternoon and could not find someone for the morning. Well luckily there was someone in the waiting area for Midtown that came in for me. He was only a class 2 but I was able to pass off three Pe's on him so it turned out to be a good day, a crazy but good day.

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