Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Today in clinic I finally got my requirements done! I was so worried that my patient was not going to show up because I tried calling him the day before several times and his phone number would not work. I was not able to get ahold of him to remind him so I was worried sick. This morning I was so relieved when the CA called over the intercom and said my patient was there. I shouted for joy. I then was able to start scaling away. I got a scale check on the first quad and I did miss a few spots. After those were finished I moved on to the lower quads. It was a great experience because I have never seen so much calculus. There was a ton! It extended subgingivally and it turned dark green/black under the gingiva. It was really cool to be able to just pop it all right off. I did miss several spots on tne lower anteriors but I know for a fact that I got a TON off. I was really proud of myself. It was a long appointment partly because my patient was kind of mean and ornery and was not into small talk at all. He was there for business only no talking. He also started coughing evertime I tried to use the ultrasonic sclaer so I had to stop using that and only use my hand scalers. That made me realize how valuable the ultrasonic is to me. It helps tremendously! Well, anyway I was able to get him done and not a moment too soon. I think my patient was about to leave whether I was finished or not because he said "I can't take much more of laying like this". Like I said, he was an not a very pleasant person. Well I am finally done and that is all that matters. I have been waiting for summer break for a long time, I am finally free for a few months!

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