Monday, February 2, 2009

First Child Patient

Today, I had my first child patient. I was really worried at first because he was only 4 yrs old and he had never been to the dentist before so this was his first time in a dental setting. I also worried about x-rays. So they were a little late to the appointment which always makes me even more nervous and frustrated. They showed up and filled out a HHx and then we got started. I started off by explaining all of my instruments and I let him feel and hold them. He was very skeptical at first but after her saw that none of the instruments were going to hurt him he warmed right up and did very well. We tried to take x-rays but they were really big for his small mouth and he wasn't able to control his tongue enough to keep it out of the way. So we ended up not taking x-rays and but it still ended up being a positive experience and that is what I wanted.

1 comment:

The DeGiulio's said...

thats awesome your first child patient went well :) thats always nice b/c you never know how they are going to react especially when they are that little