Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Feeling Lousy!

Today I had another new patient, he was not new to the clinic though. He has been in several times. So the appointment started out good. My patient did not want me to take x-rays though so I was a little bummed about that. I got started with the OD and that went well except I didn't even check existing restorations to what the last hygienist had recorded. Well after having my OD check I wasn't feeling too hot about everything. I feel like I am still so slow and there is no way I will be able to ever get a patient done in one appointment. I am stressed out everyday because first of all I am worried about finding patients and second I feel that even if I get enough patients in here I am too slow to get all my requirements done. Today is just one of those crappy days. I feel like everyone is ahead of me and doing so much better than me with their requirements and their skill level. Hopefully I will start to feel a little better about myself but not today.

1 comment:

Jake and Kristin said...

Hang in there! I know exactly how you feel. Don't get discouraged. It just takes time and practice...I'm sure you are doing great. Spring semester of 1st year was so stressful meeting the requirements. Everyday I would look at it and count down the days and think "there is noway I'm going to meet these requirements!" Believe it or not, it all works out somehow!
If it is BWX you need you can come in sometime and take some for me. Don't forget I need some of my teeth too! :)