Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So today in clinic we learned how to probe. I totally thought this would be a lot easier than it really was. I really have a hard time with remembering to angle the probe so it goes with the contour and shape of the tooth. And I thought that probing the buccal was hard, the lingual is like ten times worse because I am still not used to indirect vision. We only probed one quadrant, the upper right, and it tool me like half an hour. I also was struggling with reading my probe, especially through my mirror. It was difficult to see where it was. It helped when I started counting backwards from the big black mark. I was also having trouble with my mirror in my nondominant hand. I was paying so much attention to probing and not stabbing that I would cram my mirror into my partner's guns and it would hurt her. I guess I am not a very good multitasker. Hopefully after a lot of practice it will be second nature and I won't have to think about everything I am doing. I can only hope!!

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